
Year 2024

Wheat Beat Podcast featuring Dr. Joaquin Casanova

Mapping It Out: Soil Acidity, Lime Requirements, and Herbicide Resistance with Dr. Joaquin Casanova

“Dr. Joaquin Casanova joins the Wheat Beat Podcast to discuss using remote sensing and minimal soil sampling to generate maps of soil acidity and lime requirements, as well as mapping weeds for prescription application of herbicides.”

Wheat Beat Podcast featuring Dr. Claire Phillips

The Gains of Carbon Change with Dr. Claire Phillips.

“USDA-ARS’ Dr. Claire Phillips discusses soil carbon sequestration at the Cook Agronomy Farm.”

Wheat Beat Podcast featuring Dr. Garett Heineck

From Surviving to Thriving: Alternative Crop Trials with Dr. Garett Heineck.

“USDA-ARS’ Dr. Garett Heineck joins the Wheat Beat Podcast to share the results of alternative crop trials in wheat-based agroecosystems.”

Soil Health Coffee Hour featuring Dr. Claire Phillips

Dr. Claire Phillips presented during the PNW Farmers’ Network Coffee Hour. You can view a recording here.

The NSARU welcomes two USDA Northwest Climate Hub Fellows!

Fabio Scarpare is an agronomist engineer stationed in Pullman, Washington. He is working with the CropSyst model to support decisions dryland farmers are making in the inland Northwest. 

Erin Oliver is a soil scientist stationed in Palmer, Alaska. Her focus is science communication and supporting climate resilience in Alaskan agriculture. 

Both fellows joined the Unit in August 2023 and bring great new

On Farm Trials Podcast featuring Dr. Garett Heineck

Dr. Garett Heineck discussed his on-farm research on the On Farm Trials Podcast. Click the following links to catch Part 1 and Part 2.

Join the conversation between Garrett Moon of Moon Family Farms in the Horse Heaven Hills,
WA and Dr. Garett Heineck, Cropping Systems Agronomist with the USDA-ARS CAF LTAR
network research program. The interview dives into how they are working together on the farm
to answer questions about the ‘down-side production potential’ of perennial wheatgrass Kernza,
cover crops, and mapping cheatgrass in a region where fog counts as significant precipitation.
What are they measuring and what data matters from the research side and on the working
farm – and how are they making it work? Listen now to find out!
