Jeremy Hansen

Research Soil Scientist

USDA-ARS Northwest Agroecosystem Research Unit
Pullman, WA

Phone: 509-335-7028


Dr. Jeremy Hansen is a USDA-ARS Research Soil Scientist stationed in Pullman Washington. He received a B.Sc from the Utah State University, M.Sc From University of Idaho and Ph.D. from Washington State University in Soil Science. Jeremy has worked for the USDA-ARS for 20 years where he has contributed to numerous projects investigating the soil microbiome and soil health associated with various crops and cropping systems in the dryland regions of the PNW. In his current role, he will be contributing to the efforts of ARS researchers working to quantify and improve soil health of agroecosystems throughout the PNW.

Skills and Expertise

Phospholipid fatty acid analysis, SAS and JMP multivariant statistics analysis

Role in the CAF-LTAR

Microbial communities of long-term cropping systems and microbial response to alternative cropping systems

Current Research Projects

  • Influence of Canola on the Microbiome of Rotation Crops and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (Washington Oilseed Cropping Systems).
  • Winter Peas in the Wheat-Fallow Region of the PNW: Benefits to Soil Health and Cropping Systems (USDA-ARS Pulse Crop Health Initiative).
  • Soil Health and Profitability Implications of Including Brown Mustard and its Products in an Integrated Wireworm Management System (Western SARE).
  • Influence of Canola on the Microbiome of Subsequent Grain Legume Crops (Washington Oilseeds Commission).

Selected Products

  • Schillinger, W.F., Paulitz, T.C. and Hansen, J.C., 2022. Canola Rotation Effects on Soil Water and Subsequent Wheat in the Pacific Northwest USA. Agronomy Journal.
  • Schlatter, D.C., Hansen, J., Carlson, B., Leslie, I.N., Huggins, D.R. and Paulitz, T.C., 2022. Are microbial communities indicators of soil health in a dryland wheat cropping system? Applied Soil Ecology.
  • Hansen, J.C., Schillinger, W.F., Sullivan, T.S. and Paulitz, T.C., 2020. Decline in soil microbial abundance when Camelina introduced into a monoculture wheat system. Frontiers in Microbiology.
  • Hansen, J.C., Schillinger, W.F., Sullivan, T.S. and Paulitz, T.C., 2019. Soil microbial biomass and fungi reduced with canola introduced into long-term monoculture wheat rotations. Frontiers in Microbiology.
  • Schlatter, D.C., Hansen, J.C., Schillinger, W.F., Sullivan, T.S. and Paulitz, T.C., 2019. Common and unique rhizosphere microbial communities of wheat and canola in a semiarid Mediterranean environment. Applied Soil Ecology.
  • Hansen, J.C., Schillinger, W.F., Sullivan, T.S. and Paulitz, T.C., 2018. Rhizosphere microbial communities of canola and wheat at six paired field sites. Applied Soil Ecology, 130, pp.185-193.